View Full Version : Hi, I am Brian in Victoria BC Canada

09-21-2008, 02:58 AM
I am a stonemason. I am very interested in solar cooking even though I do not do much solar cooking. Reason: I am away most of the days doing rockwork.
So I have being designing something low tech to hold the heat of the day for evening barbecueing! The tracking solar accumulating barbecue.
I have been at it 2 years and it is still not finished!
But there have been byproducts along the way.
I invented the "mechanical mathematician" a low tech way to make parabolic dishes and 2 low tech trackers (they made front page news on solarcooking dot org) and this fall I did a "compound" parabolic solar cooker.
Whats a "compound" parabolic cooker? Well, I will write that in a forum.
bye now

09-21-2008, 05:09 PM
Welcome, Brian. You sound like a very busy man! Your idea for a solar accumulating bbq sounds wonderful. Best of luck on that, and I can't wait to hear more in other threads.

09-21-2008, 06:16 PM
I go away for a few days and look who joins our humble forum! A stone mason working on solar barbecue. It's like I have died and gone to heaven. Welcome Brian, I and I can no wait to here more about your project. That is the kind of thing I have been dying to learn about.

09-21-2008, 07:23 PM
Brian, glad to have you on the group. I wish you lived closer. I would love to have a stone mason as a neighbor. I always wanted a large russian fireplace or something similar. Hope to hear more of your inventions! Kim

09-30-2008, 05:05 AM
Victoria BC, that's just up the road from Seattle! Welcome! How do you get enough sun to do solar cooking, I've said it wasn't possible here in the cloudy PNW?

10-11-2008, 04:52 AM
Welcome Brian!! Solar ovens will be a unit study for our little homeschool one of these days...It involves so many of the subjects--do you have any materials or ideas for me to make some that are geared toward a 7-8 year old? Feel free to post over in the homeschool forum...Thank you so much!!