View Full Version : I made goat cheese!!!

06-11-2009, 06:31 PM
Check out my blog for details and future post on how it came out..


06-13-2009, 09:32 PM
I'd be curious about your process. I've made goat's milk yogurt before. And I've made vegan cheese (cashew, almond, etc.) But I've not made goat's milk cheese.

Teach! Please!?

06-13-2009, 10:20 PM
Maybe I'll do an article if I ever get it figured out myself.. I tasted mine today and it tasted sour.. I must have done something wrong, but I don't know because the recipe I used didn't have measurements except for to use a half gallon of milk.. I asked what I might have done wrong on a goat forum.. The only person that responded so far said she's never had luck with this method and that I should buy some rennet for next time..

06-14-2009, 01:20 PM
Learning by trying is a great way to understand what you are doing, and when you make changes, you figure out which changes help the most. I am excited to hear how the batch turns out and how the next one turns out too.

Ozark Homesteader
06-29-2009, 06:28 PM
I wonder if you could sweeten the cheese you made with honey or sugar and use it as a spread or goat-cheesecake. That way, even if it is a little sour-tasting, you could still use it.