View Full Version : Need some suggestions.

08-20-2009, 10:36 PM
Haven't been here for a while (shame on me), have lots going on and my favorite forums tend to be the things neglected first. I hope everyone can forgive me. :)

A bit of background:

I built 8 raised beds for this year and searched for affordable soil to fill them, since I didn't have NEARLY enough compost. Found an ad on craigslist from a local landscaping company for $5/cubic yard compost. I didn't think it would actually be compost at that price, maybe just garden soil-compost-wannabe, but it was cheap enough that I could fill all my beds at once and get busy planting.

I knew right away when he brought it that it wasn't compost, but i didn't suspect anything else at that point. My husband and I worked long and hard filling the beds for the next week...As I would dump the 5 gallon buckets into the beds and smooth it out, I started noticing how much clay I was pulling out. And quite a few rocks. Still didn't sink in, as we were late planting and were just trying to get it done. We planted over the next week and weather permitted and relaxed, excited to see what would await us each morning.

We waited.

And waited.

And waited some more.

ZERO growth. Nothing. The plants weren't growing, but they weren't dying, either. Seeds would sprout, grow a couple of inches, then turn brown and die. We replanted a couple of separate times, knowing we wouldn't achieve maximum yields, but hoping for *something*. We got diddly.

I FINALLY (big DUH moment) bought a soil testing kit and used it. The pH was GREAT, right at the point for most veggies. The 3 big nutrients, however, were missing. Not low--not there at all! You had to strain to see any color at all. DH now refers to the soil as "radioactive" (not really, but funny). I added a BUNCH of Miracle Gro (I know, bad--but it needed something NOW, and I was hoping to save at least a little of it) and I was rewarded with a little growth, but then nothing after that.

I am now left pondering what I can do between now and next spring to "fix" this soil (no WAY I'm moving it all again!!) so that we actually get more than 4 sugar snaps peas and some dead bean plants.

Please :( :( :(

I'm thinking of adding Black Kow bagged compost, greensand, bone meal, blood meal, all the compost I have....and what else?

Thanks for your help....

08-20-2009, 11:35 PM
Do you have a source of bunny poo and/or worm castings? These would definitely enrich the soil. I also have been using a fish emulsion with good results.

I'll be interested to hear other suggestions.

08-21-2009, 09:02 AM
I might be able to get some. I will have to see if the person I know saves her bunny litter. Eventually we will have our own, but the dollars dictate when we can do it.

Thank you for the ideas!

08-22-2009, 10:21 PM
You need to purchase worms many worms and put them in each bed. Amend your soil with many different things like leaves grass clippings, manure of many different animals and I would also get coco as well. It will help keep it all fluffy. It comes in compressed bricks.

08-29-2009, 11:33 PM
I have crummy soil too. What is cocoa, and where do you get it.

08-29-2009, 11:49 PM
Probably the quickest, cheapest, and easiest thing to do this fall is to dig in as many chopped leaves, grass, manure, etc, etc as you can get your hands on and then plant a cover crop. Annual rye, field rye, crimson clover or anything else that works in your area that will put a lot of organic matter into the soil when you turn in under next spring will work. Cover crops do wonders and will add a good nitrogen boost next spring. Get your compost bin working overtime.

08-30-2009, 10:33 AM
You can also add some kelp meal.

08-30-2009, 07:34 PM
worms, worms, worms, but I was also refering to coco fiber not cocoa. Coco fiber comes in compressed form and you add water.

08-30-2009, 10:35 PM
Thank you everyone for the ideas....I'll probably do them all :) I do NOT NOT NOT want to have this happen again next year.

Mushroom Man
09-01-2009, 08:38 AM
I thought this video reg. Worm Tower may be helpful.

PS...I lived in Ohio for 35 years.....GO BUCKS!

Mushroom Man