View Full Version : Hi from Michigan!

09-17-2009, 08:18 PM
it's september in Michigan, crops are coming in, and my garden is thriving!

as an apartment dweller, i've got a 9ft x 4ft balcony that becomes a jungle in the summer. I gave up on flowers a few years ago, and focused on edibles. This year everything was grown from seed, and there are Yellow Pear and Roma tomatoes, basil, parsley, and tarragon out there.

The cilantro and chives were a bust.. . i'm not sure what I did wrong with them, but the cilantro just tasted yucky, and the chives never germinated. Tried some lettuce early in the year, but it was so bitter!

any one have any suggestions on how I can dry all this tarragon, and what I can do with it, cooking wise?

09-18-2009, 03:11 AM
Hello, Michigan! My favorite (and only) son-in-law is from there! He's a Youper. (UP'er) :p

Anyway - your garden sounds fabulous! Please post some pics when you get a chance. I'd love to see the balcony garden you describe so beautifully!

I like tarragon on chicken & fish -but I could see it on pasta, potatoes or rice just as easily - probably even veggies. It has that nice, anise-y taste that marries will with so many different things (even as a sub for other anise-y herbs, like basil). Try making a tarragon pesto! Pretty fab!

09-20-2009, 11:52 AM
Hi MoniDew, UP is a beautiful area, lots of fishing, plenty of space, great for camping and hiking trips!

your garden sounds fabulous! Please post some pics when you get a chance.

would love to, but i don't have a digital camera. :(

did finally use some of the tarragon on a roasted turkey the other day, put tarragon and apricot preserves under the skin, was fabulous!

10-10-2009, 05:12 PM
you can hang the tarragon in small bunches to dry (out of the sunlight) or put it in a very slow oven - as low as you can go - and let it dry that way. You could also put it fresh in ziplocks and freeze it.

10-10-2009, 05:14 PM
there is a good cookbook - called the Herb Farm Cookbook and it'll have ideas for tarragon.

10-11-2009, 10:17 AM
That's great that you grow everything on a balcony. Try purchasing some chives and replanting them into a bigger pot. It's a perennial so it will grow year after year. I like garlic chives and Chinese chives. Thanks for posting.