View Full Version : My new garden vendor

01-01-2010, 11:16 PM
We just received another new gardening magazine and I am very thrilled. The magazine is from Territorial Seed Company. It is the only major magazine that we have been sent that states that they are signers of the Safe Seed Pledge.I also read that they will send out with every order a free "Plant a row for the Hungry" package of carrot seed. The Carrots harvested from this seed are to be given to the hungry via food bank, soup kitchen, or to a neighbor in need.
Along with a good selection of garden veggies,flowers and cover crops, Territorial also carries an extensive list of garden products. From seed starter kits, row covers, red worms, and Compost Tea Brewer, to natural fertilizers, soil testers, garden tools, and even bees. Yes, I said bees. I feel like a kid with a new toy catalog. Going through and marking just about everything in the book hoping that Santa would come thru. I know, I am getting a little carried away but Iv'e never seen a 400,000 BTU backpack flame weeder before.
The wife and I are finalizing our seed list to get our order in soon. Only about 60 more days till we start seeds indoors for our Spring crop.
You can find them online at www.territorialseed.com Enjoy!