View Full Version : Podcasts do not sync to iPod

01-12-2010, 04:35 PM
So, I travel a lot in my daily commute on the bus (an hour each way), and like to watch movies, TV, listen to audio podcasts, etc. And so, having subscribed to Patti's Podcasts, found that I cannot sync them to my iPhone.

Any way that we can get the podcasts useable in iPods as well? I don't like sitting in front of my pc all the time ( I do that at work enough)! I'd like to watch one on my iPhone, while sitting outside in my garden having an herbal tea I picked there from the plants I grow in my garden, or just while relaxing by the little pond I'm installing this spring!

01-13-2010, 12:07 PM
Have you tried getting the videos from www.urbansustainableliv.blip.tv (http://www.urbansustainableliv.blip.tv) yet? I think you can get the content for your Iphone from there.

01-13-2010, 04:15 PM
It looks like I can, but I think I need to click "iTunes Feed" for every single one over the podcast automatically downloading them the moment you post them. (You have over 80 videos so far!)

I might be able to batch convert what I have into .mp4 which will allow them to be read by the iPhone.