View Full Version : Hi From Minnesota!

02-05-2010, 04:43 PM
Hi everyone,
I am a work at home mom from Minnesota who used to get depressed every fall when the frosts came. Now, I know that it's just time to start my indoor garden then!!! (Or even before then!)
I am actually just starting out right now. I have a small garden light from acugrow and a few small stands with pots on them. I have basil, cilantro and cherry/pear/teardrop tomatoes started. I also have a 2 year old pineapple plant that I started with my daughter after we got a whole pineapple and ate the fruit. I also have 1.5 tangerine trees started that are about 6 months old. Again, my daughter's idea when she found the seeds in a tangerine she was eating.
If this little set up I have works out I am going to build a cart with florescent lights next year, or end of this winter. I was really inspired by Patti's ability to build a shelf and install the florescent lighting herself. I am going to be on the lookout for somewhere to get some reclaimed lumber from to refinish it for my home-made cart project!
For my outdoor gardens this coming spring I am going to get some rain barrels and use that to water from. I can't wait to start saving that $$$!
I am so glad that there is a great resource out here for this stuff because all I could find on indoor gardening before Patti's site was for growing marijuana! :p:eek:
Happy gardening!

02-08-2010, 02:51 PM
Thanks for sharing and welcome to the boards.