View Full Version : Pond in FOOD FOREST (pic)

Mushroom Man
05-04-2010, 05:49 PM
Well, it's small but it will definitely serve its purpose. This is another layer of the miniature food forest that has to be within the forest to make it work properly. This small pond will bring frogs, bees as well as birds to the immediate area to help control the insect population. It only took me a few hours to do.


I still have some cosmetic work to do but the majority of it is finished.


Garden Green
05-20-2010, 02:10 AM
Looks great! How much water will it hold? Are you going to put any fish in it or anything like that?

05-20-2010, 07:37 AM
Cool. Thanks for posting pictures.

Mushroom Man
05-30-2010, 04:51 PM
I'm estimating about 200 gallons or so. Although, I'm not really using it as a water source. I mainly wanted to bring wildlife into the small forest. And, although it's only been there about two weeks, it already has! I had two sets of bullfrogs live in the pond just long enough to spawn and lay their eggs. I'm afraid what my backyard is going to sound like when the frogs start coming out of the pond. Nevertheless, it's excellent!

I'll post some pictures in the very near future.

I've done a lot in to the landscape in a short amount of time and I have started putting up the fences for a 'secret Garden' for my wife.

More to come!

06-01-2010, 10:46 AM
Thanks for the update. I want frogs too!

Garden Green
06-14-2010, 08:32 PM
Wow, you'll have no insect problems at all with the frogs there. 200 gallons is nothing to sniff at! Can't wait to see updated pictures!

Mushroom Man
06-15-2010, 08:48 PM
Things are really coming along in the Food Forest!

The pond is working hard with regards to insect control and wildlife.
Just today I must have seen 8 spiders crawling from under the rocks in order to get water.

The pond is full of tadpoles and today I saw dragonflies dropping their eggs into it as well.


My video camera is broken so I'm not able to film the extent of the Permaculture Food Forest that I planted in the corner of the yard.

A quick rundown....

Approximately 10 semi dwarf fruit trees.
Numerous perennial fruit bushes.
Different summer squashes under every tree.
Eight small dirt mounds which are growing several different types of fruit vines.

And right now I have five or six different flower shrubs that I have started from seed that will go into the forest to entice beneficial insects. The best thing about them is... all of the flowers on the bushes are 100% edible!

Updates are coming!

04-01-2011, 02:27 PM
Dear Mushroom Man,

I am very late to the dance on the entire subject of permaculture. I had no concept of it until very recently. Once I wrapped my mind around perpetually self-sowing food forests I couldn't get enough. It was an instant realization that this was what I have been searching for.

I realize now that the capacity to control and direct water is EVERYTHING in the permaculture model. You really seem to have a deep understanding of how to bring it all together.

For me, permaculture is still a very complex model. I have a hard time keeping all the various balls in the air. One must simultaneously hold attention to slope/grade, directing water around the property, integrating wildlife and aquaculture, using shade wisely, densely planting desired crops to crowd out weeds, composting all waste so that no resources are lost. I'm overwhelmed with the thought of it all. (I hold a PhD in laziness, not in engineering!)

How do I start? I have an average suburban back yard. And my only water source is city water (Definitely not ideal!)

Mushroom Man
04-07-2011, 05:42 PM
Hello MoniDew!

Sorry I took so long to get to you