View Full Version : A garden BUSINESS just waiting to "hatch"

Fred's Fine Fowl
10-07-2010, 11:53 AM
Hi everyone!

I know I know... I belong in the chicken coop (">

**side note, I have sent several people to this site to join the Forums, they seem to get lost somehow and can't seem to find them? This is the age of one minute satisfaction, if it doesn't jump out at them, they give up** I don't know what to say about that...

Anyway, the point for my thread and those of you who are avid gardeners possibly looking for some new business venture, please read on...

Back in the day, I lived in San Diego California... while studying Naval Engineering, I also took on a side job installing custom aquariums for Cyphert's Aquarium in North Park. I was amazed at how much people spent just to have someone like me select a suitable location, determine if the structure could handle a 300 gallon tank yadda yadda... I installed the tanks, engineered the plumbing, filter system, uv sterilizer, automatic feeding systems... you get the picture. After we installed them, another company took over and were contracted to continue with upkeep (annual contracts) even guaranteeing the fish. They soon had three vans with full time employed aquarium keepers... clients were often Dr. Offices, Dentists, Lawyers and Restaurants.

What does this have to do with gardening?!
Ohhhh , everything!!!
As a professional photographer, I am often in quite upscale homes all over the U.S.
I bring up Urban Sustainability in conversation at every opportunity...
I often ask, while looking over some expansive landscape, why there isn't a food related garden? Answer "we would love one, but just don't have the time"...

People want fresh veggies, herbs and other edibles handy to their kitchen and living spaces. Based on my conversations, they would hire a vegetable gardener in a New York Second! If they would establish a veggie garden, plan it, plot it, plant it and of course, maintain it. Then the client would be able to go out at their leisure to snip some herbs, pick some tomatoes for their salad and so on.

The practical mind says.... pish posh on that Fred, they get veggies from the grocery for chump change. Aha! But they WANT a garden to look at and WANT to see their own veggies growing and they could absolutely care less as to what it costs. They want to hear things like organic and heritage so while they are sipping their wine before dinner, they can look oh so "green" to their friends brag on their wholesome salad as they present it's healthy goodness on the dining table!

It's a service industry just waiting to "happen"...

I don't personally have the time... nor gardening expertise... but someone is going to start the personal vegetable gardening service industry and mark my words.... your client list will grow by leaps and bounds as the fresh vegetable eating Jones's inspire their affluent neighbors to "keep up"....

Happy Thursday Everyone!!!!

I am interested in your thoughts on this one...


10-08-2010, 08:21 PM
I have heard of those who install vegetable gardens for others, but not of those who maintain them. I think it's a genius idea (perhaps one could do both?)

Fred's Fine Fowl
10-09-2010, 01:35 PM
Others have written me about this post (off forum)...

You are correct Monica, the service would have to include at least three services:

Presentation, client interview and planning at the site.

Soil analysis, improvement and preparation for planting.

Then the installation of started plants and a agreed upon maintenance schedule (probably weekly) which would include evaluating problems, weeding (#1 on the list of things people don't want to do).

The owner must be well versed and articulate regarding all aspects of edible gardening.

It's also a prime opportunity to introduce the uninformed about plant nutrition and what a GMO is exactly.

In the fall, you would have to return to prep the beds for wintering over and possibly have a tiny segment for winter plants like Kale yadda yadda...

Those who are writing me at Fred's Fine Fowl, Please consider joining and posting your discussion here so everyone can benefit? Please don't worry that someone is going to take your ideas and compete in your area. There is more to go around than can be exhausted in my thinking.

Get up, get out and get planting! Work on your mission statement so you can begin to sell customers on your idea... (';')

Patti could promote something like this in a HUGE way... but no one is doing it "yet"


10-15-2010, 04:46 PM
hey! Yes, I can finally post and participate. Fred - i was one of the e-mailers (Heather). I am attempting to do this exact thing, by starting a small local urban gardening business. Any thoughts/ideas from anyone on it would be greatly helpful. I'm studying Horticulture at the local community college. It may be good for me to get a couple semesters behind my back before I begin tackling this one, but I kindove figure you live and you learn hauh? (or maybe not). I'm going to be prepping a few raised beds this fall so they'll be nice a ready next spring for some veggies - and I'll see how those do. Going to start talking to other small local businesses about creating a business plan, and most of all - going to be doing lots of research about how to pull this off and be successful if I find it's truly something I love. Going to see Patti next weekend at the Green Festival - Can't wait! Might ask her some advice as well. :) Thanks for the encouragement Fred (and anyone else who might post) -Heather

10-15-2010, 06:28 PM
In terms of starting a gardening business while still going to school, it takes 10,000hrs to become a professional so you should start right away! I've always found that Hands on experience is the best way to learn.

See you at Green Fest in DC.

Fred's Fine Fowl
10-15-2010, 11:43 PM
I am so glad to see you here Heather....

And yes Patti... it's what I refer to as the University of Direct Experience :}

I can't wait to read a success story on this one!

As always,



11-20-2010, 12:12 PM
I too, have thought about a few different gardening services. like helping individuals plan out small growing areas at their homes in a big city. Or having a custom garden service where people would pay a set fee for the season and this would cover everything from picking out specific veggie seeds growing , maintaining watering, etc. They would be able to stop by and pick up thier own veggies to enjoy. It would also be great to use those flat roofed buildings all over the place to grow a variety of fresh veggies. My dream is to one day have some greenhouse hydro or aquaponic system set up in an urban area. This way I can raise both fish and veggies to sell.
I find that I am an idea guy. My brain is always coming up with different ideas from the super to the down right goofy. The problem for me is the implementation of such grand ideas. It hard for me to choose which ideas or prodjects to develope and which to let go. :eek: I do have my plans for this comming year and start there and see where the hands on experience takes me.
Stay :cool: Fred

11-21-2010, 03:53 PM
So I found a company (myorganicgarden (http://www.myorganicgardendc.com/)) that does this! I am still slowly pulling resources together so I can learn how to do this service for others. It's very exciting - can't wait to get my hands dirty. It's basically winter here now though :cool: so I will be staying inside trying not to shiver for the next few months. Perfect time to work on a business plan...

11-21-2010, 04:12 PM
Great link. I wonder what he charges.

01-27-2011, 07:46 PM
A couple years ago I did something similar but not as a business. I helped low income families establish their own first gardens. I took excess seeds I acquired through trading and had scouts help make and set up small square foot gardens. I showed the families how to plant basic food items in the square foot method. I then held "classes" a couple times a month to discuss things such as pests, composting, seed saving, winter sowing etc.

I think it is time for me to see if their is any interest in the neighborhood again. Thanks Fred for making me remember the happy times. Kim

01-27-2011, 10:16 PM
We haven't gotten down to what someone could charge for this service or what people would pay for something like this. Any suggestions?

Fred's Fine Fowl
01-28-2011, 10:23 AM
I found this company to be very thorough (http://www.instantorganicgarden.com/home-gardening-services/)... scope it out.

Also, if you are going to be doing this.. think about your trade name and get it out there... lock in your domain name and start your business profile... be ready to hit the ground "digging" when spring arrives :)



02-14-2011, 01:17 PM
Thanks for this link Fred.

Fred's Fine Fowl
02-14-2011, 04:21 PM
Always happy to help out where I can Patti!