View Full Version : End of Season preservation

10-25-2010, 09:35 AM
Is anyone doing any kind of end-of-season preservation? (canning, freezing, dehydrating, etc) If so, what are you doing?

My husband LOVES basil, so I always plant tons. He asked me to rescue the end of the basil before frost and dehydrate it for him. DONE! (but why? I ask you - basil tastes so much better fresh! LOL!) I also took half and made a gigantic batch of pesto and stored it in canning jars.

I didn't get any tomatoes again this year, so I didn't get any sauces made or anything like that. (what am I doing wrong with these tomatoes?!)

Anyone else want to contribute some good ideas, tips, tricks, etc for preserving end-of-season? THANK YOU!

10-25-2010, 11:05 AM
You can also freeze your pesto or your blanch your basil and freeze in ice cube trays then place then in zip lock freezer bags. They can last 6months or more that way.