View Full Version : Greetings From Pigeon Lake, Alberta

04-14-2011, 10:50 PM
Hello Everyone,

My husband and I recently bought a cabin on a small acreage on Pigeon Lake. There is some landscaping done already and I am looking forward to creating my 'dream garden' here in this space.

This spring and summer will be phase 1 which will be a lot of clearing overgrown brush, picking up junk and garbage off of the land and either re-purpose it, sell it, or haul it away. I also have a tiny greenhouse, a barn and a shed that I want to spruce up this year. There are a 3 small garden plots which I will use and I will plant some containers on the deck. Next year, (phase 2) things will get interesting as I will put up the deer fence and build my containers for my raised beds.

My main challenges here are:
1. Living in a northern climate (limits what thrives here)
2. Garden-destroying wildlife (deer, porcupine, rabbits, you name it- we have it!)
3. Very sandy soil (the raised beds will remedy this but the trees and shrubs will need extra care)

My interests cover a wide range: permaculture, raised bed gardening, medicinal herbs and teas, cooking, preserving, wood-working and craft, sustainable living, photography and writing.

I look forward to learning from you and with you!


04-18-2011, 02:41 PM
Hey Delena, A woman after my own heart. Where is Pigeon Lake? It looks like you have your hands full with your new home. My suggestion is to start from around the home and work your way out.
Since you have a lot of wild life I suggest that you build a frame and wrap it with strong netting and enclose your veggie garden. Please update us often on your progress. Very excited for you!