View Full Version : Protecting the board from Evil

10-05-2008, 08:17 PM
I have spend way too much time pulling spammers of this board. New users need to let me know they are real when the sign up. I have been deleteing people left and right.

Very annoying, I would rather be talking not policeing. SPAMMERS BEWARE!!!!

10-05-2008, 08:29 PM
I agree - it takes a lot of energy and time.

10-09-2008, 08:45 PM
I totally agree. I get dozens of spam comments a day on my blog. Thankfully I got a program that helps identify them and an easy way to purge them.

I also know my pal Judy gets tons of spam members too. So annoying.

There otta be a law! Or at least a way to automate the removal.
