View Full Version : Double Recycling

10-07-2008, 06:19 AM
Over the past year I have made extra efforts to not only recycle but to try to use items more than once. Currently I am saving milk jugs and several other containers for Winter Sowing vegetables and fruits. Last spring I found a website that showed me how easy it is to get plants started with very little money and effort (www.wintersown.org). I shred anything I can fit into my paper shredder that once grew. Things such as toilet paper rolls, newspaper, junk mail, envelopes (less the plastic windows), utility bills etc. The paper products are then made into bedding for our guinea pig and then dumped into the composter for further recycling. (I kinda get a kick out of knowing that my guinea pig pees on those darn credit card bills LOL.) Different food containers such as yogurt cups are made into seed starting containers etc. Due to my recycling efforts, my husband and I only place out 1 small trash bag a week but had to purchase 2 more recycling bins from our city and at least 75% of those recyclables were used more than once!

I also offer just about anything else we may be getting rid of to family members and friends and if no takers freecycle. You will be amazed that just about anything given away will be taken by others. I have even given away things such as smelly, stained, 30 year old carpet that was in our kitchen when we purchased this house last year (the people were fully informed as to the condition).

One of my simplest efforts was to purchase and make a few tote bags for shopping...no more plastic bags for me...hhhmmm Patti maybe you could offer some through your website with your logo :D

Anyone else as compulsive as I am about not only recycling but getting a second or more use from things?


10-07-2008, 08:25 AM
I am with you Kim. I think everything on the homestead needs to lend itself to repurposeing. Everything! It seems to compliment my instincts as "mom". The danger for most of us though is becoming pack rats that need a intervention at some point.

My problem is full color magazines. What can you do with them?

10-07-2008, 03:29 PM
Patty, if your local recycle center can't handle them, can you re-gift them to a friend, family member, coworker, or neighbor? I do that with most of our mags, and also get some that way myself...most mags are still good reading, even if they're a few months old.


10-07-2008, 04:46 PM
I use the pages of full color magazines to make wrapping paper. I make a basic collage out of full pictures or large swatches of text that look cool together and use a little scotch tape to hold it together into large sheets. Sometimes I couple that with the stock section of the WSJ. It comes out great.

10-07-2008, 06:03 PM
In my house, I take a page from Alton Brown's book such that everything must be a "multi-tasker" except the fire extinguisher. Hehe

As for magazines, my kids get to play with them and then they go into the city recycling. I haven't found any useful purpose for them (not even why we buy them) hehe.

10-08-2008, 12:11 AM

You could check with any local women's shelters. Or shelters for the homeless. They might be willing to take them. If they don't have an on site library, you might encourage them to start one for their residents.

These could also be great places to donate any extra produce!!

It might also be a tax deduction for you.

Also, your local library might be happy to take them off your hands. I know our local library is happy to accept donations of both books and mags.

Hope this helps!


10-08-2008, 12:25 AM

I've been saving the lids from my laundry det. to use for seed starters. Our recycling center won't take the lids. :( Can't figure that one out!

I also save all the paper products I can for my compost. All our junk mail and newspapers are shredded. Like you, I tear the little windows out of the envelopes first. I shred what I can but my shredder won't take toilet paper rolls or anything that thick. I find myself cutting up cardboard boxes with either sissors (gives me blisters) or a utility knife. It composts faster for me if it's in small pieces. I do it when I have time to watch tv in the evening. My husband thinks I'm nuts. I don't but I'd much rather be knitting, crocheting or reading Patti's website or message board!

Does anyone know where I can purchase a shredder that will take the heavier stuff?



05-28-2009, 01:13 PM
hey Kim,

I like to call me and my wife the reluctant environmentalist and here is way. We never recycled until the city started placing the recycling bin throughout Chicago last year and now we can't get enough of it. Every thing that can be recycled is recycled and now we have moved into composting everything we can. My wife has always saved the bags that you get from the store even when we never had a use for them; well we do now.

As for them shopping bags we stopped getting them and have started using the cloth reusable bags. As for the old plastic bags well we are using them to pick up after our new dog and for trash bags since we only use one a week.

This summer we are having the attic and walls insulated with soy based foam. Then their is next summer, when we plan to put solar water and electric panels on the roof.

As for my lawn I have never use chemicals and everyone thinks it's the best in the neighborhood.