View Full Version : New Member from Northern IL

12-23-2008, 11:47 AM
Good Morning;
It's snowing once again here in IL.I'm a 36 yr young lady who is recently seperated..My soon to be ex didn't have the same outlook on the simple life as I did until after I left( 19 yrs to late)..He said he is willing to look at it again because he is afraid of what is to come after January...Well like I told him..IT's Over and there is no turning back..
Now I have always been interested in the country life and at this point in my life I can finally start moving in that direction by doing things as simple as I can..
I am in the process of looking for an apartment and not sure what I can do in one as gardening..
I have a bread maker,dehydrator,ice cream maker that have all benn used about 1 time then put in storage..So now I hope to get more usage out of them once I get settled..I'd also like to start making things from scratch rather then buying store bought mixes and boxed foods..But not sure if it's worth it just for one person..
Well Look forward to making lots of friends here..

12-23-2008, 02:55 PM
Welcome to the boards!

I'm sorry to hear about your break-up, but with your can-do attitude I am sure you will be back on your feet in no time.

My husband of 30 years and I never agree on anything: politics, religion, anything! We do agree that we love eachother and that we want to be together. After 30 years, 4 adult children and 6 (so far) grandchildren, there's no turning back now!

Daily life is a real eye-opener to both of us on the necessity of patient and gentle communication as well as allowing the other to be their own person even when we really don't agree with them at all. It's been a stretch, to say the least! But we are both better people for it.

We went through a period of seperation for about 6 months, just about the time that all our kids were becoming adults. We both thought it was totally over. But we still loved eachother and we used that time to, basically, renegociate the terms of our contract. :D We came back together, and it's been really great.

That may or may not be what happens for you. Only you know what is best in your case. I wish you only the best: Only peace, only joy, only love, only happiness. I know if you go with what gives you and your family peace, joy, love, and happiness, it will be the right thing.

Garden Green
12-23-2008, 11:21 PM
Well said Monica! I can appreciate the loss you've experienced, Lisa. It's tough. But hang in there and work your way to the life you want. And don't worry about being only one. There are plenty of things you can do and make for just one. And there are lots of things that you can grow in containers since you're moving into an apartment. When you're settled and ready, we'll be here with ideas!

Backyard Permaculture
12-24-2008, 01:25 AM
Welcome to the group Lisa.

I am in somewhat the same boat, my wife left about 2 1/2 months ago. She thought everything I am doing is a waste of time. So much for "till death do wee......"

Keep your chin up. Be happy to be you.


12-31-2008, 12:52 PM
Lisa, glad you could join us....you got some like minded friends here. Kim