View Full Version : Rich from Ludlow,MA

01-18-2009, 10:22 PM
Hi, first time in forum.
Just started getting interested in gardening back last summer.
I tried few tomato,peppers,cucumbers and string beans,with little success. Everything was to crowded, not enough room in between the plants.Did some research and found a site for hydroponic and aeroponic gardening. So I made myself a system It's a twenty plants system .Works fine. Here is my problem.I have peppers that were about 1 1/2 inch two weeks before christmas and are about two inches now. The leaves curled,the growth is slow. What do i do wrong? I have a 400 watts grow light that is about 3 feet from the plants. I use nutrients from general hydroponic. Fowlow instructions best I can.Can I have some help? I sure would apreciate. Thanks

01-19-2009, 11:32 AM
Let me get it straight Rich, the leaves are wilting and dead? Is there anything fuzzy on the leaves or just yellow. Can you post a pic?

01-19-2009, 11:54 AM
What type of system do you use? Is there any way the system was down for a while and the roots got either too wet or too dry?

Garden Green
01-19-2009, 01:58 PM
Sounds like it could be a couple of different things.

Check to see if you're roots have enough space and make sure they are getting enough nutrient. How far from the main reservoir is this particular plant? Make sure that it isn't lacking because of a clogged tube or something. I'm not sure what kind of system you're using, but if you've got a 20 plant system, it could possibly be that you've got a kink or clog somewhere and it just isn't getting enough.

Are you using the right nutrient? They require different nutrients at different stages. What's the pH of your water, peppers like 7ish. Check the temp of the area it is in.

It may pass. Sometimes these things happen, then the plant recovers and moves on.

Hope this helps!

01-23-2009, 08:01 PM
Could be the roots for sure, but it could be those tiny little flies as well.

01-27-2009, 10:47 AM
just wanted to welcome you to the boards, Rich. sorry that I can't be helpful with your problem. There is certainly a braintrust here who can, tho'!