View Full Version : Hey Michiganders!!!

03-02-2009, 12:00 AM
Hey all, I just wanted to find out how many of us there are from Michigan. I know of at least 3 or 4 but wanted to see if any more are lurking about. Guess what??? I am working on getting Patti to come visit us in Michigan and I need your help. First I wanted to find out where everyone lives and then I wanted to know if you have any good family run nurseries, greenhouses or other types of garden centers you love to visit. Maybe we could get Patti to come visit a few of them and therefore visit us....what do you all think? Kim

03-02-2009, 08:59 PM
It's warlord representing the town of Fremont up here in NW Mi. home of Gerber Baby Food. They use a whole variety of different veggies to make baby food. I don't know if they still give tours of their facility since Nestle bought the place. Otherwise Patti could do an episode on how veggies are turned into baby food. I too would also like to meet her. She has a warm friendly presence in front of the camera. I enjoy watching her movie clips which are fun to see as well as informative. Well, c ya in the garden. warren

03-02-2009, 09:03 PM
Hey Warren, do you happen to frequent any family run garden centers that may be interested in Patti visiting? I am trying to set up something of a tour for her. Maybe you could ask around just to test the waters. I did a one in my city and they are interested in the possibility of selling her seed collections and who knows if enough are interested maybe Patti will do a tour. Kim

03-03-2009, 05:51 PM
Hi, I'm in Burt. I have a couple of small family greenhouses in my area. The one I really like offers a free class one a month that is hands on and always lots of fun.

03-03-2009, 07:27 PM
Hi, I'm in Burt. I have a couple of small family greenhouses in my area. The one I really like offers a free class one a month that is hands on and always lots of fun.

Annette, I am acting as the unofficial, self-appointed, promoter of Patti coming to Michigan. Next time you visit the center could you casually ask if they would be interested in Patti coming and doing a talk or maybe we can think up something she could teach...I'll bet if we get enough interest we can convince her to come and visit. Kim