View Full Version : Product Idea - feedback wanted

03-04-2009, 01:31 PM
My husband is an artisan timber framer; our company builds garden structures (www.gardenjoinery.com). We are fairly new to this specialty, so we are constantly shifting around as we get feedback and contracts, since this indicates what direction the market is moving. We are adding greenhouses and mini-greenhouse/coop combos (I am hoping to interest some of the schools in these - I think they would be great for integrated learning programs across a broad range of age groups).

So, I have this new idea, and I'd love feedback here or elsewhere (feel free to pm me or I can give out my email if anyone prefers).

My kitchen table has a glass top. So, I put my starts in flats on a shorter table underneath, and put the whole thing in front of a sunny window. I can have glass decorative stuff on top, and grow food underneath! It is especially cool for herbs, since they can be beautiful and stay sheared.

We are thinking about adding an integrated greenhouse under-table like this to our concept portfolio. Do y'all think there would be any interest in something like that?


03-04-2009, 08:13 PM
I'd have a bit more interest if you had greenhouse kits, or chicken coop kits. But maybe a seeds starting kit would work too. Not terribly interested in a terrarium table, tho'.

03-04-2009, 08:31 PM
Thanks for the feedback. We don't feel like we can add a lot of value with a kit, because timber framing requires some specific knowledge so someone would probably need a timberframer on the other end to assemble it! Worth considering how we might make sense of that, though.