How to Preserve Pears

My family loves pears! Because pears are so easy to grow, we always have a surplus. Today, I am going to show you a delicious way to hold on to the many pears that you will have once you start.

Today I am working with Bartlett Pears which are the most common pears and you see them all the time in the supermarket. The reason that pears are so abundant is that they come from huge trees that are very prolific. One pear tree can produce as many as 400 pounds of pears.


How to Freeze Culinary Herbs

Fresh herbs look amazing in the garden and they taste even better in all of your favorite foods…especially Italian food. You probably guessed that I would say that. Today, I’m going to teach you a cool way to preserve your herbs for the whole year. Come with me….As you will see I have a delicious variety of parsley and basil. They are both a vibrant green and so aromatic that I just want to eat it all. Take off just the tops of the plants so they can continue producing. Then I take them into the kitchen and make sure that I have spices for the rest of the year.


How to Dehydrate Persimmons

Today I’m hanging out with persimmons! What are those? Persimmons are an unusual fruit that you don’t hear a lot about, but I’m here to tell you that most people don’t know what they’re missing. Today I am dehydrating persimmons because they are a delicious, healthy snack. Besides, I have a ton of `em. My two Persimmon trees are quite prolific. Watch carefully because while I’m at it, I’ll even throw in a lesson on how to use a dehydrator, which is something that every gardener should have. What else would you do with all of that extra fruits and vegetables?  To maximize the food you can produce you need to know how to preserve your harvest.  There are many different ways to preserve fruit.  Dehydrating them is a great way to preserve your fruit.


Preserving Fruit: How to Make Jam

Today I am making Jam. It is the easiest and tastiest snack to come out of your edible landscape, and your family will love it. I like to make an unusual jam which is a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

I take my fresh or thawed grapes and blueberries and puree them. The pureer is a great tool because it separates the good stuff from the bad. Once you mix the juices together and they come out of the pureer, give it a taste it to see if it's sweet enough. The pure fruit is very tasty but the sweetness of your jam depends on you and your family's personal preference.